Painting A Day: December 14, 2006 Glass and Rhinestone Christmas Ornament
Painting a Day - completed on December 14, 2006. Oil on canvas board. 5"x7".
I really can't come up with a more exciting title for this one. This is not one of my treasured ornaments I've been painting this week, nor it is one of my favourites. But it happens to present a challenge of transparency, reflection and geometry, so I decided to give it a try. Honestly, I unwrapped this ornament last week and kept avoiding it because of finding other beautiful and sentimentally meaningful ornaments I wanted to paint (and, secretly, because I knew painting it would be a challenge). Then yesterday I had a particularly horrid day at the office, the kids were sick (three out of four!), I was operating on 3 hours of sleep and my general mood was that I would much rather scrub toilets than paint. And then I glanced at the table clutter and there it was - cheap glittery ball sitting there, mocking my inability to face the challenge. That's it, I had to show it who's boss. Sounds silly (idiotic really), but unfortunatelly, it is true - no angels' voices, no divine inspiration, no beauty of the creative moment... Hey, at least I have a painting.
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