понедельник, декабря 18, 2006

Painting A Day: October 29, 2006 Utrecht Red

Ahhh... cleaned my studio today. Well, "studio" is a big word for a small room, but it is a luxury as it is - a place to work and think. It is separated from the rest of the house by a door, yet it is separated from client files, grocery lists, diapers, office clothes, parenting strategies, morning oatmeal and laundry baskets by ions. Up until an hour ago it was cluttered with everything imaginable - it gets that way during the times of particularly heavy social involvement: in-laws are coming for Thanksgiving - let's hide the remains of the last remodeling project in the studio! Friends are dropping by - the unfolded laundry pile joins the box of tiles and odd pieces of pipe. By the time all of your kids' playdates have visited, you only have a narrow zig-zag path from the door to the easel. You get the idea. Well, it is back to a state of relative organization (trully a herculean undertaking), but no new painting for the day - this one is from October 29. It is new to this blog and to e-Bay though, so may the gods of daily painting be lenient to me.

Click here to bid on e-Bay.


Blogger Ron Morrison said...

Such an ordinary thing, yet I kept looking at it. I've always believed there's magic in those tubes. Well done!

6:46 AM  
Blogger m collier said...

Very nice composition !! It keeps the viewer attention --

9:24 AM  
Blogger bonnie-ann black said...

ah, it's so good to know that someone else's studio is the "catch-all" for the busy social season. unfortunately, my studio is also my bedroom and my office (the joys of NYC living spaces!) i sometimes have to take a good two days just to dig out from under. it's still recovering from the recent Lucia/Old Winter Solstice party!

2:39 PM  
Blogger Sasha Williams said...

Thank you very much for all the comments, I really enjoy hearing from fellow artists!

Ron, I looked at your site and loved how colorful your paintings are especially considering the subject matter!

MCollier, I am following your advice to push the values and consider composition and I am pleased with the results. Thanks again.

Bonnie-Ann, I now fear that I've cleaned too soon - after all we are not through the both Christmases (western and russian othodox) and the New Year...

6:11 PM  
Blogger bonnie-ann black said...

sasha: a brief update. my studio is still not "up to itself" (as my mother says). i had cooking and company for Lucia's Day, Christmas, New Year's Day and Little Christmas, and now this weekend i'm off to boston to do an art show! maybe when i get back? but by then it will be Robert Burns' Day! only 10 days into the new year, and i'm three months behind. so not much is really new. hope you're feeling much better.

10:11 AM  

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