суббота, ноября 11, 2006

Painting-A-Day: Artist Reception - November 11, 2006

Today all participating artists met for two hours at the Jumpin Java to paint and talk. From Rigt to left: Dollie Hendrix, Suzanne Breitweiser, Gail Skaggs, Stella Choe and myself.

четверг, ноября 09, 2006

"Painting-A-Day": the Show

On November 1, 2006, several of my students, Gail Skaggs, Dollie Hendrix, Stella Choe, Suzanne Breitweiser and myself hung a "Painting-A-Day" show at the local cafe "Jumpin Java". It is not Whitney Biannual, of course, but in our small town it is a big deal. I am pleasantly surprised at how much interest and attention we are receiving with this. I have also made a determination sometime on my ...oh... um-teenth painting that I am going to buy a "Painting-A-Day" for every "Painting-A-Day" I sell. I'll start with my students, of course, and will move on to e-bay and fellow "bloggers".

Painting-A-Day: October 29, 2006

I should really start scanning these (which, perhaps, I will do once they are out of the show and up for sale on e-bay). This particular one is significant, because today I was feeling rather depressed about having THE DAY JOB (which we all know we should not quit). This is a depiction of our namesake pen (every law firm decides it MUST have one) and, I suppose, I'll add "CAMPBELL MILLER ZIMMERMAN" later. What will the note say? "Don't quit your day job"? I am open for suggestions.

Painting-A-Day: October 24, 2006 - SOLD

This is more of a painted diary entry than an abstract "Painting-A-Day" product. Tatiana, my oldest daughter (just turned 6) has ballet every Tuesday. She just left her slippers after class and they proved to be a great study subject - little planes, shapes, reflection and complex form provide for a wonderful exercise for disengaging your mind from what you are painting and focusing on the mechanics of the process.

Painting-A-Day: October 16, 2006 - WON

I am going to skip ahead some on this project and post only images that are valuable to me as milestones. With this particular one I decided to introduce this idea to my students in the "Intermediate Oil" and see how many of them would be interested to support this "AA for Artists" or the "Painting-A-Day" and do a show (ultimately) together. It would be a nice exposure for them and something that would keep me accountable.

Painting-A-Day: October 13, 2006

Tribute to Friday the 13th - a very disturbing-looking gourd accompanied by the date itself and the movie "Aliens". Well, I did not actually watch it, but I listened to it, which qualified as "watching a movie with my husband Friday night". At this point I am still not thinking about selling these, but I am starting to feel that I need someone to do this with - like a buddy to keep me accountable. Someone in my class said "it's like AA for artists".

Painting-A-Day: October 12, 2006

I first painted this (actually, this was a portion of a larger "white-on-white" still-life I set up for my students in the "Intermediate Oil") and then discovered that almost every "Painting-A-Day" artist painted a broken egg as a subject. At first I felt like a lemming (which I suppose is better than plain plagerist), but then I got this really odd sense of belonging to an artistic community that even thinks alike. Plus I saw what I could improve in terms of technique and colours.

Painting-A-Day: October 11, 2006

The most important benefit of this practice for me is the ability to find something to paint without having to search for the ingredients to a larger still-life. Actually, considering that I do not even paint still-lifes on a regular basis , this is definitely rewarding. What I am starting to realize at this point though, is that I still can't get rid of my ever-present conflicting issue of trying to record what I see (as I was taught) and trying to express a concept beyond mere reality (what I was also taught, but by a different school of thought)

Painting-A-Day: October 10, 2006

This is the result of the second day of the "Painting-A-Day" project. For this one I was not looking as much for details as for the general effect. It is about 5X7, and is a study for my "belly dance" project which is just barely starting to shape up.

Painting-A-Day: October 9, 2006

My very first "Painting-A-Day" painting. Inspired and intrigued by the "Artist Calendar" article I decided to go ahead and start my own "Painting-A-Day" project. This is the very first product of this decision and upon completion, I discovered that I am very happy with this practice for the following reasons: it takes much less time and concentration than a "formal" painting, it gives an opportunity to focus on details, it provides great practice without commitment ot a bigger piece and it looks great in a very large frame!